Recap and Statistics

It’s been a month or so since we arrived home after our 18 day East Coast tour and it’s about time I shared some statistics from the trip. The first question tends to be about where we stayed each night. Did we find suitable camping locations? So, here are the…

Did we stay or did we go?

We awoke to rain and mosquitoes. The idea of hiding away inside our van for the day was not appealing, so we left Panmure Island Provincial Park even though we had paid for a second night. We figured the weather had to be better elsewhere. We started by driving from…

Panmure Island Provincial Park

Today we left Twin Shores and travelled East across the island. We started by stopping in Cavendish and Barb did a little souvenir shopping and bought a COWS ice cream cone. It was just 10:30am. We drove East across the center of the island and then out towards East point.…

Twin Shores Campground

We’ve spent the past two days relaxing at Twin Shores Campground on the North shore of PEI. This is a large campground with hundreds of campsites able to accommodate everything for tents to the largest RV rig. Trees or open sites, electrical, water and sewage available in differing combinations suiting…

Cedar Dunes Provincial Park

It’s still grey and overcast when we wake, the forecast is for better days ahead, will today be the day we find the sun? Or it finds us? The morning is the typical routine, awaken slowly and too early to be of much use for anything ahead of the morning…