Recap and Statistics

It’s been a month or so since we arrived home after our 18 day East Coast tour and it’s about time I shared some statistics from the trip. The first question tends to be about where we stayed each night. Did we find suitable camping locations? So, here are the…

A Big Day

Today I celebrate the completion of 60 trips around the sun. I get to spend it near and on the ocean. This day will be epic. We complete our morning routines and prepare the campervan for a day of travel and head out shortly after 10:00am. Our first stop is…

Digby, NS

We’ve spent that past two days (3 nights) in Digby, NS at the Digby Campground. This is a wonderful place to camp as you can easily walk the trail into town in a matter of a few minutes. On our first full day (Sunday) we wandered into town to look…

Annapolis Royal and Digby

The brewery was a nice quiet place to spend the night and we awoke refreshed and ready for the day. Our first stop of the day would be Annapolis Royal, but before that, how’s this for a view? Views such as this are commonplace in the Annapolis valley, it’s hard…

Tidal Bore, Wine and Beer

Although predicted, the overnight rain did not materialize and we had a peaceful sleep. We slept in as our first stop of the day was to watch the tidal bore arrive in Truro, NS. It was scheduled for 11:58am. This gave us time for a shower and relaxing drive to…

Did we stay or did we go?

We awoke to rain and mosquitoes. The idea of hiding away inside our van for the day was not appealing, so we left Panmure Island Provincial Park even though we had paid for a second night. We figured the weather had to be better elsewhere. We started by driving from…