Day 5: May 24 – Exeter, ON

A sunny and cool start accompanied me on a 5km walk about the town of Exeter today. The Victoria Day weekend over, the town returns to its normal routines and the streets are quiet as I walk while enjoying the flowerbeds so carefully prepared in the recents days. Peaceful solitude…

Day 3: May 22 – Goderich, ON

After enjoying a wonderful breakfast prepared by our hosts, Barb took a walk through the campground to the beach on Lake Huron. Looking West across Lake Huron Looking North along the beach After a relaxing day (it was a little chilly) burgers and salads were enjoyed for dinner. Thanks Al…

Prince Edward County: The shakedown trip

Ok, so it’s time to check out actually camping in our campervan. We’ve had the van since last November but immediately put it away for the Winter. As such we have had several months to stock the van with all of the supplies and amenities we believe are needed. Time…