Day 18: To the Napa Valley

Day 18: To the Napa Valley

Our camp hosts were very cordial and things got quiet by 9:00pm. It’s nice when things work out. We both slept really well and awoke at about 6:30am. A light breakfast and coffee before we packed up and left at 8:05am. Minutes later we drove out of Yosemite National Park.…
Day 14: Day of Rest

Day 14: Day of Rest

Decision made, we’re staying put in Sawtooth Canyon campground for another day. It’s just to peaceful and beautiful here that we just want to stop for a day & catch our breath. Panoramic shot from our campsite To that end we sleep in until after 8:00am and had a very…
Day 13: From Sin City to Silence

Day 13: From Sin City to Silence

After a great nights sleep in this amazing campground, (Willow Springs) we took advantage of the amazing shower facilities (9/10) before prepping for the road. Departing Willow Springs campground Our first stop was of course Hoover Dam. It was just 20 minutes from the campground and we arrived at about…