Day 13: From Sin City to Silence

Day 13: From Sin City to Silence

After a great nights sleep in this amazing campground, (Willow Springs) we took advantage of the amazing shower facilities (9/10) before prepping for the road. Departing Willow Springs campground Our first stop was of course Hoover Dam. It was just 20 minutes from the campground and we arrived at about…
Day 12: Take it easy

Day 12: Take it easy

Up early and showered! These time zone changes are making getting up early easier and easier. The showers at our campground were rating 3/10. Lots of hot water and a private lockable shower room but that’s it. Dirty, dilapidated, hard to set the perfect temp water. It got us clean,…

Day 35: Angels Peak

Driving day today as we awake from another quiet night of slumber. The wind has picked up a bit and is from the West so that should help with our travels today. A normal pre-travel morning routine sees us enjoy a small breakfast and then it’s time to disconnect from…

Day 34: Monument Valley

7:00am and an alarm wakes us. The time has gone ahead an hour now that we’re (just) in Utah and we are being picked up at 9:00am for our guided tour of the Monument Valley and backcountry. We enjoy a light breakfast and get ready to be out and about…

Day 33: Onto Monument Valley

Another chilly night, I thought we came South to get some warmth? Had issues starting furnace during the night so used electric cube heater as we were plugged in at the site. Turns out that the propane was NOT turned on thus no furnace, Doh! Although I suppose it’s nice…

Day 32: The Grand Canyon

Another chilly night in the high desert. This one required running the furnace for a few hours in the early morning hours. Brrr. We managed to get ready for the day and on the road before 9:00am. The drive to Grand Canyon National Park was only about 20min and we…

Day 27: Picacho Peak State Park 2

A quick post today. We’re relaxing and doing some reading while the warm winds whip around our site knocking over chairs and footstools. We both finish the books we are reading by the end of the day. Sometimes staying still is very therapeutic. Enjoy a few pictures taken while walking…

Day 25: Ancient places

It’s time to leave Tuscon and continue our journey. The days are definitely getting warmer here yet the nights are still chilly. I awakened this morning wishing I had my extra blanket last night. So, up again at 6:00 and out for my walk. Nobody else seems to be awake…

Day 24: Moving day

As we extended our stay at this park by one day we have to move sites to accommodate other reservations. Not a problem as we have plans to go ‘off-site’ today. Another beautiful morning, another walk about the park. It seems a little emptier as I walk about, a few…

Day 22: annnnd relax

First full day parked in Tuscon. I should have slept in but nooo, I had to be up at 6:00am for no known reason. Ok, time for a walk then. The park is large enough that I walked along every roadway and it totaled a 5km walk. Nice. Breakfast included…

Day 20: Stranger Things

Today is planned to be a day of travel as we head into Southern Arizona. Up by 6:30am and out for my walk through a new housing development near the KOA. Total distance of 4.3km with a 79m elevation gain, phew. Nice homes being built here in the southwestern adobe…