A cool morning greeted us today, so cool that the furnace was fired up in the campervan. My early morning walk was enjoyable as it was sunny, but the wind off of Lake Huron reminded us that it was till May and to not forget that the weather in these parts can be fickle.

The morning flittered by and before long it was time for more farewells as we prepared to hit the road once again. Kath & Al, thanks for having us, your warmth and generous hospitality were once again very much welcomed and enjoyed. All the best.
The drive to Exeter is only about 40 minutes and it hardly felt like we had begun when, we had arrived! The next two nights will be spent camping in the laneway at Barb’s parents home. We’d spend the first evening catching up on family happenings with the help of Barb’s Aunt Pauline who stopped by and joined us for dinner.
All for today. Life in the van is going well and we’re becoming accustomed living within the smaller space….. stay tuned.
Oh, apologies for those looking for photos of our travels… I will be adding some as we get a few more so check back on earlier posts as I catch up on this task.