A hot and muggy night leads to gentle showers falling as we awake. A quick breakfast and we’re ready to go. West towards Kansas is todays itinerary.
30 minutes into the drive and the skies opened as heavy rain fell and lightning lit the morning skies. The interstate was awash with water and the traffic slowed to a manageable speed, but did not stop. An hour into the drive and we arrived in Kansas City still amid the storm. We passed the Kansas City ballpark and went through downtown. Once on the other side the rains began to let up and before long we were on the Kansas Turnpike headed toward Topeka. The toll was $4 for the entire I-70 portion and then we were back onto the I-70 as a freeway.
The scenery changed throughout the drive from tree-lined pastures until we arrived on the true grasslands that define the great western plains where one can see for miles in any direction. Communities are defined on the horizon simply by the presence of a grain elevator and the train tracks and roads that connect each together.
The road today was uphill. We started at an elevation of 250m and ended at 750m. Tomorrow will be quite a bit higher than this.
Our stop tonight is another Harvest Host, Shiloh Vineyard and Winery just outside of WalKeeney, KS. I’ve included a link to their website below. This place is amazing, tranquil, friendly and just what we were looking for. If ever you’re out this way, look them up.