9:15am and we’re pulling out of our laneway on the first leg of the trip. Destination today is Woodstock, ON to visit my brother and family. After a quick stop in Kemptville to fill up with gas ($2.046/l) we’re off down Hwy 416.

The van is driving very well on Hwy 401 and the first several hours pass without incident. Before we know it, we’re coming into the GTA where we stop for gas and lunch. Gas price in Ajax is $1.962/l which we think of As a bargain ?!?!
Toronto traffic is heavy as it’s the Friday before the long weekend and folks are heading home and to their cottages. Although slow, we make it through and traffic lightens a little for the remainder of the drive to Woodstock. We arrive at about 3:30pm.
The evening is spent catching up with my brother while enjoying some pizza and drinks. Sleep came close to midnight. The end of an enjoyable first day with hopefully many mor e to come.