Today we slept in, at least until the foghorns awoke us from the ships passing in the river. It was foggy and we could barely see offshore at all. As we took it easy and lounged about the campsite all morning enjoying the peaceful nature of this campground.

Shortly after noon we packed a picnic lunch and headed down to the Rocky shore with seat cushions to sit upon. We enjoyed our lunch whilst being entertained by the occasional passing Minke whale. We saw about a half dozen.

We also sighted a few freighters which no longer needed to sound their foghorns luckily. Eventually the cool air got the better of me and I retreated back up the hill to our van and enjoyed a short afternoon siesta ahead of dinner.

We spent the evening at Mr. & Mrs. campsite enjoying a beverage and watching for whales by the pale moonlight. Alas, no whales this evening.

Mr. & Mrs. are heading towards home starting tomorrow and we wished them happy trails as we will remain out and about for a few more days yet, so stay tuned!