Day 18: To the Napa Valley

Day 18: To the Napa Valley

Our camp hosts were very cordial and things got quiet by 9:00pm. It’s nice when things work out. We both slept really well and awoke at about 6:30am. A light breakfast and coffee before we packed up and left at 8:05am. Minutes later we drove out of Yosemite National Park.…
Day 14: Day of Rest

Day 14: Day of Rest

Decision made, we’re staying put in Sawtooth Canyon campground for another day. It’s just to peaceful and beautiful here that we just want to stop for a day & catch our breath. Panoramic shot from our campsite To that end we sleep in until after 8:00am and had a very…
Day 13: From Sin City to Silence

Day 13: From Sin City to Silence

After a great nights sleep in this amazing campground, (Willow Springs) we took advantage of the amazing shower facilities (9/10) before prepping for the road. Departing Willow Springs campground Our first stop was of course Hoover Dam. It was just 20 minutes from the campground and we arrived at about…
Day 12: Take it easy

Day 12: Take it easy

Up early and showered! These time zone changes are making getting up early easier and easier. The showers at our campground were rating 3/10. Lots of hot water and a private lockable shower room but that’s it. Dirty, dilapidated, hard to set the perfect temp water. It got us clean,…
Day 8: Texas bound

Day 8: Texas bound

It rained last night. Not a light Spring shower, nope, a Midwest rolling, windy, thunderstorm. Welcome to Oklahoma folks. The wind jostled the van and woke us both several times throughout the night, but by the morning a light shower was all that remained. The rain was supposed to last…
Day 6: Solar Eclipse

Day 6: Solar Eclipse

Despite reports of coyotes howling in the night, we slept well and did not hear any sounds at all. The Milddogs were up early and on the road by 9:00am heading toward their eclipse viewing location in Indiana. We departed the campsite shortly thereafter and headed towards St. Louis, MO.…
Day 4: Bugs on the windshield

Day 4: Bugs on the windshield

After a couple of nice days visiting family in S. Ontario it was time to really start our adventure. 10:00am and we’re on the road heading towards Sarnia and the Bluewater bridge as our entry point into Michigan. Bluewater bridge, Sarnia, ON My brother had suggested that I try jumping…