Recap and Statistics

It’s been a few weeks since arriving home after our Cross-continent tour and it’s about time I shared some statistics from the trip. The first question is always about where we stayed each night. Did we find suitable camping locations? So, here are the stats for that. 21 nights free…
Day 38: The Crowsnest Highway

Day 38: The Crowsnest Highway

Another early start to the day. I blame it on the early rising of the sun. Away from our wonderfully quiet campsite in the vineyard by 7:30am. Today we will spend the day traveling along Hwy-3, also known as “The Crowsnest Highway” towards Fernie, BC. Leaving Osoyoos you immediately begin…
Day 23: Rain

Day 23: Rain

Today we spent the day at Harris Beach State Park again; however, this time we cowered in the van whilst it rained all day. Tomorrow we head further North along the coast to another State Park. Hopefully the rain will subside a little to allow us to enjoy the outdoors…